IMMUNO-MORE WS: Boost birds immune system
- Immuno-more WS ensures better antibody titer level of birds against different diseases after post vaccinations.
- Maintains optimum fertility and hatchability of breeders flocks.
- Ensures humoral immunity and more active lymphocytes.
- Ensures fastest recovery from the diseases.
- It is a powerful antioxidant and important for normal neurological functions.
- Promotes the phagocytic activity of macrophages.
- Maintain higher productivity of the birds.
- Reduces incidence of ascites and sudden death.
Each 200gm contains
Vitamin E : 20 gm Selenium:200 ppm
Inert carrier: QS
Through drinking water for 5 – 7 days
Chicks: 5-7gm/100 chicks
Broilers & Layers :10-12gm/100 bird
Breeders : 30-40gm/100 birds 1
Withdrawal period: None (or) As suggested by veterinarian.
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