NLG+ A saviour in distress
Preventive and Supportive Therapy for Viral and Bacterial Diseases. NLG+ is a scientific blend of herbal ingredients with Antiviral and Antibacterial properties.
NLG+ is highly effective in supportive therapy against bacterial and viral diseases.
Highly effective against white gut and white faecal disease.
Reduces morbidity and mortality in shrimp and fishes.
Controls stress and improves the disease resistance.
Reduces the risk of infection and improves the antioxidant profile.
Improves livability by reducing early mortality.
Improves FCR, growth and weight gain at a faster pace.
Well researched formulation of natural extracts of 21 unique herbs
with antiviral and antibacterial properties with immunity stimulating agents.
Dosage Advice:
Liquid: 10-15m1 per Kg in 2 meals daily for 7 days
Repeat the same dose after 15 days.
(Or) As suggested by Aqua Consultant.
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